Who am I, and why should you read this?

If it’s credentials you are seeking, find me on LinkedIn, Guy Arcuri, Ph.D. If it’s fortifying experience you require, then read on! My entire life can be defined by the title of this blog:  My Education Education. A Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction merely provides the framework for understanding the universal teaching and learning issues I process in everyday life. A Master’s of Arts in Teaching Spanish likewise! 32 years of teaching experience in everything from Sunday School to homeschool to College Level Spanish Language and Literature to Graduate Methods of Teaching Second Languages to Philosophy of Education and more have merely solidified for me and in me the comprehensive and universal principles and concepts of teaching and learning that usually get lost in the trends and fads circulating in the Education world. My work with pre-service teachers at the university level and with clients in my consulting world has proven that most of educational reform is NOT innovation but “repackaging” or “reawakening” (resurrection?) of what we already know to be effective. So, my life is replete with making connections with everything and anything in my everyday life and the educational principles I have spent a lifetime studying. My life’s calling, then, has given me a breadth and depth of “lessons,” and I have integrated them into my business and this blog in a manner that now provides wisdom for people of all walks of life and in all areas of Education. If you want to connect a personal, relevant story with essential, practical and substantive educational content, then please read and contribute to this blog. While this is not a blog that gives advice (that is what I do for a paying job), it is a means for us all to learn, to share and receive our Education Education in the best, most enjoyable manner. Message me directly if you would like a quote for my consulting.